Sunday, March 25, 2012

For the board's consideration

Let's make some aesthetic changes.

Here's a new header for your consideration. I'm kind of jazzed on it, but I'm OK if you don't like it. Basically, I don't want to suggest change w/out throwing something out there myself.

Click to see big:


xeroxcrasis said...

You have an aye here. Vitale submitted a possible name change as well. "Xanadude".

xeroxcrasis said...

The circle and font do look a bit...serious.

xeroxcrasis said...

what did you use to make the logo?

Jason said...

Is serious good or bad? I used Photoshop. Let me know if you have any suggestions.

Xanadude is awesome. I'm okay with a name change.

The Ewing said...

Done... nice work Dallas

Jason said...

Cool. I like the new font.

The Ewing said...

Dallas ... can you make a small adjustment? Can you maybe go away from the circle? It is pretty close to the summer teeth logo... although very cool. Also could you make it a bit narrower. I really dig what you did with the image and the overall look is great. Maybe we should have a diamond shape or maybe something organic blacked out. Your thoughts?