Sunday, July 24, 2011

Al Brown from Chicago - Part 1

In our last visit with Amy's grandfather who recently passed away we found out about his short stint as "Al Brown from Chicago" in the Madison Wisconsin Professional Wrestling circuit.

We were sitting around the table with her entire family. It was a sad visit for us because we all knew it was the last time we would see him. He was an incredible man that meant more than I will every understand to Amy's family. More incredible because he wouldn't let us be sad. He kept telling stories and kept his strength and kept the whole affair impossibly lighthearted.

He was a great man having taken in the shoe shine boy from the military base in Korea in and provided him a life in this country. A leader of men in the military. Always shaven and proud.

That is why we were all caught off guard when he began to tell us of his days as a professional wrestler in the 50s. Apparently he was a monster in high school and was taken under the wing of Jimmy Demetral who was a local legend in Madison Wisconsin. Jimmy was the older wrestler who played the bad guy and Amy's grandfather played the young up and comer.

In his memory I have decided to do what I can to dig up as much as possible on his short career in wrestling. At this stage there is very little out there, but I am hoping that with the help of the web maybe I can find something out there. I will take any help I can get as I am not a web guru.

Wanted to share his Obituary.

Other well known wrestlers from Madison
Jimmy Demetral
“Sailor” Art Thomas

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