Thursday, March 28, 2013

Grenadier Sapeurs of the Imperial Guard

Created in 1810 by French Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte, the Grenadier Sapeurs of the Imperial Guard were an elite unit of engineers, the toughest soldiers of the Grande Armee and perhaps the toughest soldiers in all the world at that time.  As sappers, an old term for combat engineers, it would have been their duty to clear roads, build fortifications, construct bridges, and other duties that require either the building or destruction of military structures.
Click peashooter85’s post for a much (much) longer bedtime story…

Monday, March 18, 2013

Field recordings

I've been making some sound recordings with my iPhone. I can't figure out how to post mp3 files here, so check out --> The river recording is from the Daggers winter camping trip.

Case of the Mondays

Wednesday, March 6, 2013


  (click to enlarge)

• Cubicle workers revolt, indiscriminately following the lead of a handsome environmental militant with an award winning smile. Two weeks after the post-revolution changes have taken place they ask for their desks back.

• After head trauma Trevor sees all animalistic behavior in his surroundings as literal visual data. Metaphor becomes reality and the city becomes a forest.  He ends up hunting his weekly grocery store purchases with a bow and arrow.

• Weed City bro! The next logical step in youth tourism( Amsterdam, Ibiza), destination festivals (burning man, kazantip), and withdrawal culture (Hikikomori).

Monday, March 4, 2013

Field recordings 1978

Folklorist Alan Lomax recorded music, dance and oral traditions from the 1930s to 1990s. These recordings are available through the --> Association for Cultural Equity. Here are some of the field recordings from the Mississippi delta and hill country in 1978.