Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Wax magazine

Not sure what to think about this magazine start-up, but I like their website. There are some cool pictures in the "Finds" section and the website's background color changes based on the NY water temperature. Pretty clever, urban surfers.


Low cost campaign propaganda or graffiti art?


Sunday, April 22, 2012

Catherine Opie: Ice houses and surfers

For Opie the most compelling aspects of surfing, like ice fishing, concern the formation of temporary communities that cut through the social divisions of life on the land. -- From Opie's 2009 Guggenheim exhibition.

Check out the video below for more. 

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Support your local craftsman

Check out the Surfline article on Outerbank's Shaper's Alley


Friday, April 13, 2012


“I’ve lined me up a sweet machine for this one called the ‘Baja Boot.’ Chevy powered. Four hundred and fifty horses under the bonnet. Space frame construction. Four-wheel drive. Independant suspension. And ‘smooth’! I can notch close to a hundred over a sand wash and you better believe that’s moving.”

Steve McQueen
Stardust 7-11′ off-road race in June 1968

Thursday, April 12, 2012


I am interested in linking up with other life forms outside of our little rose colored planet. Please share your favorite links in comments and I will update them to the site's link library. If they are friend blogs I want to highlight them though, so please let me know if they are.

Example: ThemThangs.com ..... wish I knew that guy

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

A yellow flower is seen in the bed of a dried-up pond on the outskirts of Kunming, southwest China's Yunnan province July 8, 2007. http://www.reuters.com/

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Adventures in motorcycling: Richmond

I rode to Richmond last week to meet up with 2 fine gentlemen, Jeff Harper and Brad Hall. Despite threatening weather and mechanical trouble, it was a blast to hit the road and spend some time w/these dudes. 

We meet in the belly of the beast. RVA arteries.
Velocity Vintage has some cool stuff.
 Mr. Hall.
"That didn't sound good." Mechanical failure.
 Mr. Harper.
 Mr. Harper getting shady.

Whatchu know bout luv baby

Winter Project...DONE!...almost